Saturday, November 20, 2010

Whew! What a S?!t Storm

What was supposed to be a few weeks in Bend turned into 2 months. Don't know how that happened, but my son named it a s??t storm.

Two vet visits for each of our small dogs, emergency room visit for stitches in my hand, my desk top crashed permanently, Rhonda's folks lost both their dogs within 6 weeks of each other, cost of a new bed, extended warranty for our tow vehicle and laptop, and chipping ice and snow off our stairs before we could escape to warmer climes.

On a more positive note, we did get the Hattons packed and moved to Palm Desert, Celebrate my dad's 80th Bday and Daughters 22nd Bday, and enjoy friends and family while biking and hiking in the Cascades.

Bend is still a great place to be in the Fall, and Crown Villa RV park is one of the highest rated RV parks in the nation, so other than being over budget, it was a great stay.

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