Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bird, Boredom and Bora Bora or We are NOT Bird Watchers.....YET

We woke up to our dogs barking..screaming in human talk..and running laps between the bed and the living room. Once they hit the living room, they proceeded to climb, actually launch themselves up the furniture and paw at the windows. Upon further investigation, we discovered a "not so plump" robin attacking our reflective windows. We discovered that small dogs don't like birds fluttering about their turf. I don't know what was wrong with this red robin, but I decided it was some psycho, Prozac needing loony bird..pardon the pun or some homophobic fetid foul trying to take himself out. Either way, this did not sit well with the Brondawgs.

Since we have experienced wood peckers in the past, we tried the old trick of decorating our RV up like Christmas in Bora Bora and Mardi gras. So far it has worked. Between the tin foil, duck tape, crepe paper, beer bottles and smiley faces drawn on the windows, Red now just sits on the storage shed and looks in the window.

Kathy, my brother's lady friend, ask us on Mothers Day, if we were worried about getting bored. My first response was, "if we did get bored, we could go back to work! NOT! Between finally getting to relax and read some books, work out at the RV Park weight room, ride bikes, poop and potty the dogs, and learn how to use this complicated home, a little mid May RV decorating can REALLY throw a curve ball into this well orchestrated day.

We adapted and overcame...and I think this will our retirement strategy in the future.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Whahoo!!! We did it. One final push and our first big trip (across town)and we are now FullTimers. Don't let that "across town" fool you. After the final push and the closing of our home, we did the final load into the RV and headed to our first destination. CrownVilla RV Resort. Probably 3.5 miles as the crows fly, it must have taken us 1 and 1/2 hours because of construction one route, a bridge 2 inches too low to navigate on the second route and the third, lets just say our tempers were wearing thin and that ice cold brew in the fridge was sounding better and better.