Friday, April 16, 2010


Let me weigh the options??? Option #1. Retire with 60% of my normal income and pay for my own benefits, or return to work with the option of further injuring myself? Doh! Option #2. Undergo back surgery for hopefully a better quality of life or continue to use muscle relaxers, pain killing narcotics, and alcohol to numb the senses??? Doh! Option #3. Hit the road with my bitches and do a reality show, or continue to be a tax paying productive citizen??? Doh!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Baby Steps

One day closer, and 80% of our worldly possessions gone. It is amazing how freeing letting go of those material things we hold so dearly and work so hard to consume.

We spent the day stocking our new home with what we now consider important. The great news is.....we still have room for provisions and reading material.